ex Orbe Picto pentaglotto excerpta et Latinê reddita
CORBEIL, Jean-Claude/ ARCHAMBAULT, Ariane: PONS Bildwörterbuch Deutsch-Englisch-Französisch-Spanisch-Italienisch. Stuttgart etc. (Ernst Klett Sprachen) 2003.
Nicolaus Groß
p.124 HUFTIERE |
Pferd |
horse |
cheval |
caballo |
cavallo |
equus, -ī m. |
äußere Merkmale eines Pferdes |
morphology of a horse |
morphologie du cheval |
morfología de un caballo |
morfologia di un cavallo |
morphologia equī |
Kruppe |
croup |
croupe |
grupa |
groppa |
*cruppa, -ae f. [orig. Franconicae] |
Lende |
loin |
reins |
riñones |
lombo |
lumbus, -ī n. |
Flanke |
flank |
flanc |
ijar |
fianco |
latus, -eris n. |
Rücken |
back |
dos |
lomo |
dorso |
dorsum, -ī n. |
Widerrist |
withers |
garrot |
cruz |
garrese |
acrōmia, -ae f. [LaG.18,p.699] |
Mähne |
mane |
crinière |
crine |
criniera |
iuba, -ae f. |
Stirnschopf |
forelock |
toupet |
copete |
ciuffo |
antiae, -ārum f.pl. [APUL.flor.3,p.4,10 Kr.; leonis: TERT.de pall.4] |
Nase |
nose |
chanfrein |
testuz |
naso |
nāsus, -ī m.; |
Lippe |
lip |
lèvre |
labio |
labbro |
labium, -ī n. |
Maul |
muzzle |
bout du nez |
belfo |
muso |
rōstrum, -ī n. |
Nüster |
nostril |
naseau |
orificio nasale |
narice |
nārēs, -ium f.pl. |
Ganasche |
cheek |
ganache |
quijada |
guancia |
gena, -ae f. |
Hals |
neck |
encolure |
cuello |
collo |
collum, -ī n. |
Brust |
chest |
poitrail |
pecho |
petto |
pectus, -oris n. |
Schulter |
shoulder |
épaule |
espalda |
spalla |
scapula, -ae f. |
Arm |
arm |
bras |
brazo |
braccio |
bracchium, -i n. |
Knie |
knee |
genou |
rodilla |
gincchio |
genū, -ūs n. |
Ellbogen |
elbow |
coude |
codillo |
gomito |
cubitus, -ī m. |
Bauch |
belly |
ventre |
vientre |
ventre |
venter, ventris m. |
Kötengelenk |
fetlock joint |
boulet |
menudillo |
articolazione del nodello |
articulus, -ī m. [James Noel Adams, Pelagonius and Latin veterinary Terminology in the Roman Empire, 1995, p.405] |
Krone |
coronet |
couronne |
corona |
corona |
[James Noel Adams, Pelagonius and Latin veterinary Terminology in the Roman Empire, 1995, p.258] |
Köte |
fetlock |
fanon |
espolón |
nodello |
planta, -ae f. [James Noel Adams, Pelagonius and Latin veterinary Terminology in the Roman Empire, 1995, p.405] |
Huf |
hoof |
sabot |
casco |
zoccolo |
ungula, -ae f. |
Fessel |
pastern |
paturon |
cuartilla |
pastoia |
mesocynion, -ī n. [HIPPIATRICA 2 τὸ μεσοκύνιον James Noel Adams, Pelagonius and Latin veterinary Terminology in the Roman Empire, 1995, p.232] |
Mittelfuß |
cannon |
canon |
cañon |
cannone |
pēs medius |
Sprunggelenk |
hock |
jarret |
corvejón |
garretto |
camba, -ae f. |
Hose |
gaskin |
jambe |
pierna |
gamba |
perna, -ae f. |
Kniescheibe |
stifle |
grasset |
babilla |
grassella |
patella, -ae f.; acrocoloefium, -ī n. [James Noel Adams, Pelagonius and Latin veterinary Terminology in the Roman Empire, 1995, p.401] |
Schenkel |
thigh |
cuisse |
muslo |
coscia |
femur, -oris n. |
Schwanz |
tail |
queue |
cola |
coda |
cauda, -ae f. |
Gangarten |
gaits |
allures |
andaduras |
andature |
genera incēdendī |
Schritt |
walk |
pas |
paso |
passo |
incessus gradarius |
Trab |
trot |
trot |
trote |
trotto |
incessus citātus |
Passgang |
amble |
amble |
portante |
ambio |
incessus/ cursus tolūtilis |
Galopp |
gallop |
galop |
galope |
galoppo |
incessus/ cursus quadrupedus/ citātissimus |
p.125 Anatomie eines Pferdes |
anatomy of a horse |
anatomie du cheval |
anatomía de un caballo |
anatomia di un cavallo |
anatomia equī |
Blinddarm |
caecum |
cæcum |
intestino ciego |
cieco |
intestīnum caecum |
Niere |
kidney |
rein |
riñón |
rene |
rēn, rē nis m. |
Lunge |
lung |
poumon |
pulmón |
polmone |
pulmō, -ōnis m. |
Ösophagus |
oesophagus |
œsophage |
esófago |
esofago |
oesophagus, -ī m. |
Luftröhre |
trachea |
trachée |
tráquea |
trachea |
trachēa, -ae f. |
Herz |
heart |
cœur |
corazón |
cuore |
cor, cordis n. |
Leber |
liver |
foie |
hígado |
fegato |
iecur, -oris n.; hēpar, -atis n. |
Magen |
stomach |
estomac |
estómago |
stomaco |
stomachus, -ī m. |
Milz |
spleen |
rate |
bazo |
milza |
liēn, liēnis m. |
Dünndarm |
small intestine |
intestin grêle |
intestino delgado |
intestino tenue |
intestīnum tenue |
Kolon |
colon |
côlon |
colon |
colon |
cōlon, cōlī n. |
Rektum |
rectum |
rectum |
recto |
retto |
intestīnum rēctum |
p.126 Skelett eines Pferdes |
skeleton of a horse |
squelette du cheval |
esqueleto de un caballo |
scheletro di un cavallo |
sceleton equī |
Schädel |
skull |
crâne |
cráneo |
cranio |
crānion, -ī n. |
Atlas |
atlas |
atlas |
atlas |
atlante |
atlās, -atlantis m. |
Rippe |
rib |
côte |
costilla |
costola |
costa, -ae f. |
Schulterblatt |
scapula |
omoplate |
omoplato |
scapola |
scapula, -ae f. |
Darmbein |
pelvis |
bassin |
pelvis |
pelvi |
pelvis, -is f. |
Oberschenkel |
femur |
fémur |
fémur |
femore |
femur, femoris n. |
Griffelbein |
fibula |
péroné |
peroné |
fibula |
fībula, -se f. |
Fersenbeinhöcker |
calcaneus |
calcanéum |
calcáneo |
calcagno |
os calcāneum |
Mittelfußknochen |
metatarsus |
métatarse |
metatarso |
metatarso |
metatarsus, -ī m. |
Fußwurzel |
tarsus |
tarse |
tarso |
tarso |
tarsus, -ī m. |
Hufbein |
phalanx tertia |
troisième phalange |
falangeta |
terza falange |
phalanx tertia |
Kronbein |
phalanx secunda |
deuxième phalange |
falangina |
seconda falange |
phalanx secunda |
Fesselbein |
phalanx prima |
première phalange |
primera falange |
prima falange |
phalanx prīma |
Unterschenkel |
tibia |
tibia |
tibia |
tibia |
tībia, -ae f. |
Kniescheibe |
patella |
rotule |
rótula |
patella |
patella, -ae f. |
Brustbein |
sternum |
sternum |
esternón |
sterno |
sternum, -ī n. |
Elle |
ulna |
cubitus |
cúbito |
ulna |
ulna, -ae f. |
Strahlbein |
distal sesamoid |
petit sésamoïde |
sesamoideo menor |
sesamoide distale |
os sēsamoīdes distāle |
Sesambein |
proximal sesamoid |
grand sésamoïde |
sesamoideo mayor |
sesamoide prossimale |
os sēsamoīdes proximāle |
Röhrbein |
metacarpus |
métacarpe |
metacarpo |
metacarpo |
metacarpus, -ī m. |
Vorderfußwurzel |
carpus |
carpe |
carpo |
carpo |
carpus, -ī m. |
Speiche |
radius |
radius |
radio |
radio |
radius, -ī m. |
Ellbogenhöcker |
olecranon |
olécrane |
olécrano |
olecrano |
ōlecrānon, -ī n. |
Oberarmbein |
humerus |
humérus |
húmero |
omero |
(h)umerus, -ī m. |
Unterkiefer |
mandible |
mandibule |
mandíbula inferior |
mandibola |
mandibula, -ae f. |
Halswirbel |
cervical vertebrae |
vertèbres cervicales |
vértebras cervicales |
vertebre cervicali |
vertebrae cervīcālēs |
Brustwirbel |
thoracic vertebrae |
vertèbres thoraciques |
vértebras torácicas |
vertebre toraciche |
vertebrae thōrācicae |
Lendenwirbel |
lumbar vertebrae |
vertèbres lombaires |
vértebras lumbares |
vertebre lombari |
vertebrae lumbārēs |
Kreuzbeinwirbel |
sacral vertebrae |
vertèbres sacrées |
vértebras sacras |
vertebre sacrali |
vertebrae sacrālēs |
Schwanzwirbel |
caudal vertebrae |
vertèbres coccygiennes |
vértebras caudales |
vertebre coccigee |
vertebrae caudālēs |